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The Calvary Convention Centre in Kuala Lumpur was designed by architect Dato’ Dr. Ken Yeang in 2012 is a 600,000 sqf built area that unique architecture positioned as a landmark building in Malaysia.

The Problem:

The Calvary Convention Centre facade is made of white alucarbon panels that suffered very fast repeat staining due, in part, to the proximity of 2 highways.

Despite regular cleaning the building always looked dirty and client was looking for a solution.

The Solution:

RENUGLASS was called in to attend to this issue in 2018 and we did a mock up on 1 panel. Half the panel was coated with our RENU-PROTEC and the other half was left bear.

After a month we already started to notice staining on the bear half.

After 6 months it was clear that the coating worked as the coated half was still perfectly clean while the bear half was all black from pollution.

The Project:

On the back of the mock up the client decided to award RENUGLASS the cleaning and protection of the whole facade.

We are still today the contractor in charge of the Calvary convention Centre facade with a range of services ranging from cleaning to silicone replacement.


Updated: Dec 8, 2022

RENUGLASS was called on this job in Singapore in 2019 to assess the feasibility

of concrete stains removal on glass panels

Robinson 77 is a 35-storey building located in Singapore CBD (Central Business District). During the construction of neighbour building at 79 Robinson Road there was an accidental pour

of fresh concrete over 2,000+ pieces of glass on Robinson 77.

Mock Up and Proposal:

After surveying the site RENUGLASS did a mock up on 1 panel using

a scrapper-free restoration method.

We managed to bring to remove all concrete and bring back the panel to its original condition without a scratch

Cheaper is not always the cheapest:

The insurance company that oversaw the tendering decided to award to another company that uses conventional scrapper method for price consideration.

After half day of work on the very first day Robinson 77 property management had to halt the works as contractor scratched over 30 pieces of glass. Their method using scrapper was leaving deep scratches that couldn't be repaired.

The cost of changing the 30 pieces of glass was higher than RENUGLASS cost

for restoration of 2,000 pieces of glass.

A safe method and a happy client:

RENUGLASS was called back and eventually awarded the job.

We used Guard Industry's GTR® Premium, a safe stripper than slowly soften up the concrete until it become sand-like and can be removed with a sponge.

We then polished the glass to remove cement residue and micro damaged caused by the alkaline nature of concrete.

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